TREATMENTS TREATMENT CARES / PRICES AYURVEDA Following a short Ayurvedic discussion, we will select your treatment (Ayurvedic massages, relaxing treatments, etc.).Other relaxing moments may be added to the proposed body treatments. Experience these in Vaulx (near Annecy)All our products are natural and organic. Why visit our practice? Stress Sleep problems Anxiety Chronic back pain Recurrent headaches Pregnant women Weight loss PRICES Treatment cares Duration Price Discovery session (short) 30 min 35€ Discovery Session 45 min 50€ Traditional 1h00 60€ Sattva package (€55/session) 3x 1h00 165€ Relaxing treatment 90 min 75€ Nagarjuna package (€70/session) 3x 90 min 210€ Duo (2 people) 1h00 115€ Shirodhara 1h00 95€